Knitted double pique fabric, properties of knitted pique fabrics and uses of pique fabrics

  What is knitted double-pique fabric? Knitted double piqué fabric, often simply referred to as "double piqué," is a type of texti...

Textile testing related some important terms question and answer

Textile testing related some important terms question and answer  :

What is stress and strain?

Stress and strain are two important concepts in the field of materials science and engineering. Both are used to describe the deformation of a material under the application of an external force.

In other words, it is the internal resistance of a material to an external force. Stress can be classified into different types depending on the way it is applied, such as tensile stress, compressive stress, shear stress, and torsional stress.

Strain, on the other hand, is defined as the ratio of the change in length of a material to its original length, caused by an applied stress. It is a measure of the deformation of a material under an external force. Strain is dimensionless, as it is the ratio of two lengths, and is typically expressed as a percentage or in parts per million (ppm).

The relationship between stress and strain is described by a material's elastic modulus or Young's modulus. This modulus is a measure of a material's stiffness and defines the amount of stress required to cause a given amount of strain. When a material is subjected to stress that is within its elastic limit, it will deform in a reversible manner, returning to its original shape when the stress is removed. However, if the applied stress exceeds the material's yield strength, it will undergo plastic deformation, which is irreversible.

Stress and strain are important concepts in the design of structures and materials, as they provide insight into a material's ability to withstand external forces. Understanding the relationship between stress and strain is crucial for engineers and scientists who work with materials that undergo significant deformation under load.

What is elongation?
In general, elongation refers to the process of lengthening or extending something. However, the specific meaning of elongation can vary depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few examples:

Biology: In biology, elongation is the process by which cells or tissues increase in length. For example, during the growth of a plant, elongation occurs in the stem as cells divide and expand.

Physics: In physics, elongation is a term used to describe the lengthening of an object under stress. For example, when a metal rod is stretched under tension, it experiences elongation.

Linguistics: In linguistics, elongation refers to the lengthening of a vowel sound or syllable. This can occur for various reasons, such as emphasis or to distinguish between different words.

Overall, elongation can refer to the process of lengthening or extending something in a variety of contexts, and the specific meaning of the term depends on the field in which it is used.

Elongation in textile testing
Elongation is a term used in textile testing to describe the amount of stretch or extension a textile material can undergo before it breaks or fails. It is a measure of a material's ability to deform without rupturing and is an important parameter in determining the suitability of a material for a particular application.

In textile testing, elongation is typically measured as a percentage of the original length of the material. The test involves stretching a sample of the material to a specific length or force and then measuring the change in length of the sample at that force. The amount of elongation that a material can undergo before it breaks is known as the "break elongation" or "maximum elongation."

The elongation properties of textile material are influenced by a number of factors, including the type of fiber or yarn used, the structure of the fabric or garment, and the finishing processes applied to the material. Different applications may require materials with different elongation properties, so it is important to test and measure these properties in order to ensure that the material is suitable for its intended use.

Specific strength?
Specific strength is a material property that measures the strength of a material relative to its density. It is calculated by dividing a material's strength by its density. Essentially, specific strength represents how much strength a material has for a given amount of mass.

The unit for specific strength is typically Nm/kg or psi/(lb/in^3), depending on the unit system being used. The higher the specific strength of a material, the more desirable it is for applications where weight is a critical factor, such as aerospace, automotive, and sports equipment.

Some materials with high specific strength include carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP), titanium alloys, and magnesium alloys. These materials are commonly used in the aerospace industry, where weight reduction is critical to improve fuel efficiency and increase payload capacity.

What is air permeability?
Air permeability refers to the ability of a material to allow air to flow through it. It is a measure of how easily air can pass through a fabric or other material. Air permeability is important in many industries, including textiles, building materials, and filtration.

Air permeability is typically measured using a device called an air permeability tester, which measures the volume of air that passes through a material in a given time under standardized conditions. The unit of measurement for air permeability is usually expressed in liters per minute per square meter (L/min/m²) or cubic feet per minute per square foot (CFM/ft²).

In textiles, air permeability is an important factor in determining the comfort of clothing and the performance of fabrics in various applications. Higher air permeability can allow for better breathability and moisture management, but it can also make the fabric more susceptible to wind and drafts. In building materials, air permeability can affect the energy efficiency and air quality of buildings. Infiltration and air permeability are key factors in determining the efficiency and lifespan of filters.

Air resistance in textile
Air resistance, also known as aerodynamic drag or air friction, is the force that opposes the motion of an object through the air. In the context of textiles, air resistance can play a role in the performance of fabrics used for clothing, athletic wear, and outdoor gear.

Fabrics that have a low air resistance allow air to flow through easily, which can help to keep the wearer cool and dry. For example, breathable fabrics such as cotton, linen, and certain synthetic materials like polyester are often used in summer clothing to help keep the wearer comfortable in hot weather.

On the other hand, fabrics that have a high air resistance can provide insulation by trapping a layer of air next to the skin. This can help to keep the wearer warm in cold weather. Examples of fabrics with high air resistance include wool, down, and synthetic insulation materials like Thinsulate.

Textile manufacturers can manipulate the air resistance of fabrics by adjusting the weave, fiber type, and finish of the material. For example, a tighter weave will generally result in higher air resistance, while a looser weave will result in lower air resistance. Similarly, adding a water-resistant finish to a fabric can increase its air resistance by reducing the amount of air that can pass through the material.

What is the recovery test of fabric?
The recovery test of fabric is a test used to measure the fabric's ability to return to its original shape after being subjected to deformation or stress. This test is commonly performed on knitted fabrics, such as those used in athletic wear or compression garments, where the ability of the fabric to retain its shape is critical for performance.

In a recovery test, the fabric is stretched or deformed in a controlled manner and then released. The amount of time it takes for the fabric to return to its original shape is measured and recorded. The recovery time is an indicator of the fabric's ability to maintain its shape after being stretched or deformed, and it is typically measured in seconds.

Recovery tests can be performed using various methods, including the Kawabata Evaluation System (KES) or the Stoll Quartermaster System. These systems use specialized equipment to measure the fabric's mechanical properties, including its recovery time, stretch and recovery forces, and dimensional stability. The results of these tests can be used to evaluate and compare the performance of different fabrics and to ensure that fabrics meet the required specifications for their intended end use.

Tensile strength of textile materials

In the case of textile materials, it refers to the maximum force that can be applied to the fabric before it tears apart.

The tensile strength of textile materials is influenced by various factors such as fiber type, yarn construction, fabric structure, finishing treatments, and testing methods.

For example, natural fibers such as cotton and wool have lower tensile strength compared to synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon. However, the tensile strength of a fabric is not solely dependent on the fiber type but also on the yarn construction and fabric structure.

Tightly woven fabrics generally have higher tensile strength compared to loosely woven fabrics due to the interlocking of yarns. Finishing treatments such as chemical treatments, dyeing, and heat setting can also affect the tensile strength of textile materials.

Tensile strength is typically measured using a universal testing machine, which can apply a controlled force to the fabric until it breaks. The test results are reported in units of force per unit area, such as pounds per square inch (psi) or newtons per square meter (N/m²).

In general, the tensile strength of textile materials ranges from a few hundred psi for lightweight fabrics to several thousand psi for heavy-duty industrial fabrics.

What is the plasticity of textile material?
The plasticity of a textile material refers to its ability to deform and hold a new shape after being subjected to mechanical stress, such as stretching, bending, or compressing. This property is important in textiles because it allows the material to conform to different shapes and maintain its structural integrity under various conditions.

In other words, plasticity describes how well a material can be molded or shaped without breaking or cracking. Textiles with high plasticity can be stretched, twisted, or folded without losing their form or breaking. Materials with low plasticity, on the other hand, will crack or break if subjected to similar forces.

The plasticity of textile materials is influenced by factors such as the type of fiber used, the yarn construction, and the finishing techniques applied. Textile manufacturers can control the plasticity of their products by choosing the right materials and processing methods.

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